Every Room, Every House

“In the process from Concept to Completion, things change.” – Sha Dinkel.

The process (or the planning) doesn’t just start at 9:00a.m. on Monday. It is based on a variety of conditions. It could be market conditions. That is, what is currently “selling” in the high-end. Are they 4000 square foot homes? If so, what are the range in prices? What is the age demographic? Is it shifting? Does it make sense to build a home this size in market conditions? It is also just as likely for a buyer to enter the site and request a home to be built – a “custom”. Either way, it begins as an idea. Then a sketch. Then a project. Then an operation. Then a beautiful estate.

To make something from nothing is, in short, what any act of construction of anything is.

Ironically, the process of getting to “something” is an arduous journey.

While touring the sites, one by one, Sha says to me, as I’m trying to figjure out what it is he does

TBuilding homes of this caliber comes under As a builder, ironically, we live in “glass houses”. That is, the world is a

The construction of a home, in most cases, is making “something” out of “nothing”. No ordinary undertaking. Most of

The planning of building one of Sherwood’s estates begins with, quite literally, an acetate. A

Glass Houses